Displaying 41 - 60 of 282 comments
uh oh. suppose doesn't sound too good. what's goin' on? i'm pretty good. work is nice. been hangin' out with friends every now and then. did you get a job yet?
LOL @ Tung being too into himself.
He need to stop before he gets hurt. AGAIN.
But Cheyenne, I miss you!
my love for you is like pie
you'll probably wondering why
one look from you just an eye flex
so why don't we stop playing games and just have sex
my love for you is like a river
like a summer breeze that makes me soul shiver
one look from you is more precious than gold
lets get some barbecue and get busy
SUPPPPP. I'm bored. How u'z be'z doin'z?!? aklsdjflkjs
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